Superhot VR, Dance Central, and More Confirmed for Oculus Quest

Superhot VR, Dance Central, and More Confirmed for Oculus Quest

Oculus Quest, the upcoming standalone VR headset from the Facebook-owned Oculus, is still ready to come later this spring. Previously titles like Moss, Vader Immortal and The Climb had been confirmed for the system, and Oculus decided to reveal a number of new titles that come to the system today in a new blog post. These titles range from fan favourites and Superhot to new games like Dance Central.

The Superhot VR has been available on Oculus Rift since 2016 and is still considered by many to be one of the best VR games out there, so it makes sense that it would be at Oculus Quest at launch. If you do not know how this game works, there is a first-person shooter where time only moves when the player moves. This adds a layer of strategic planning and puzzle that solves the mix that helps the game stand out. You can check out DualShocker's extended thoughts on the VR version of the game in our own review.

A VR version of Dance Central was also announced by Harmonix as part of this update today. While Dance Central will also be available on Oculus Rift, the lack of wires with Oculus Quest can make it a superior version in terms of fluid movement allowed.

While they are the two most notable titles that have just been revealed to Oculus Quest, some more titles were also included in this fierce announcement. Coatsink will bring his new Sir Patrick Stewart told puzzle Shadow Point to Oculus Quest, Dead and Buried II come with platform games, and the complete version of the Space Pirate Trainer will also be available on Oculus Quest. Oculus Quest is still set to launch sometime this spring.

Source: Oculus 

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